Self Abandonment to Divine Providence, Jean Pierre de Caussade P.141
Reza Shah-Kazemi offers a series of readings following the ''thread'' of the tapestry of wisdom woven for us by Saints and Sages of our spiritual traditions. He begins with a reading from Jean-Pierre de Caussade's magisterial ''Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence'', where the image of the tapestry of life is presented in a way which clarifies the distinction between the fragmentary, human view of the tapestry of life, seen from ''below'', and the harmony, beauty and ''justice'' of life, seen from above, sub specie aeternitatis. This followed by readings from Dr Martin Lings's ''The Secret of Shakespeare'', following the thread of this revealing imagery. Then passages from the following: Frithjof Schoun's ''The Play of Masks''; Kenryo Kanamatsu's ''Naturalness'' (widely regarded as an authoritative contemporary exposition of the quintessence of Jodo-Shinshu Japanese Buddhism); Ibn Ata'illah Al-Sakandari's masterpiece of Islamic Gnosis ''Al-Hikam'' (''Words of Wisdom''); St Augustine's ''Confessions''; Plato's ''Republic''; Aristotle’s ''Poetics''; Etc.